Thursday, August 18, 2011

I'm moving to Birmingham!

Today I got the green light to move to campus! I can't even begin to tell how mind-blowing and unreal it is to know that this is actually happening.

I am so thankful to the many people who have told me that they're praying for me and for my support to be raised.  It's been the most unforeseen source of encouragement this past week and summer, and such a reminder of God's goodness and faithfulness to me.

How do I tell you how thankful and blown away I am by the sheer number of people who are supporting me? And so generously! I'm undone by how my church family and friends have come around me and encouraged me in this, and by my peers (college students and recent college grads!) who have given SO much you wouldn't believe it.  I've struggled a lot this summer with coming to terms with asking people to give to something that I'm doing while also seeing so much of my sin and faults through this process.  I keep thinking, I'm not qualified, I don't deserve this and .... I don't! What a freeing realization. I don't deserve what's been given to me. I've asked people not to be a part of Laura's deal, but Christ's work on  UAB's campus. And thank goodness that He is the Qualified and the Worthy one!

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