Friday, July 29, 2011

RUF Training

I just returned home from spending a week at RUF staff training, which is just in Atlanta, about 30 minutes from home. I love everything about this week, from spending time with interns, meeting other staff and campus ministers, and learning!

Throughout the week we attend sessions led by different campus ministers, beginning with the "state of the union address". The interns' sessions were mostly about RUF's philosophy of ministry and about putting it into practice on our respective campuses. Some of my fears going into this week were that I still have a hard time imagining what my job will look like and that I don't know how to prepare myself for the day to day life of an intern. These sessions really helped me get what it looks for a ministry to be driven by the Gospel, even in one to one conversations. I wasn't handed a daily job description, but I realized that I have all the tools to do my job. We had sessions focusing on each of the principles of the "P.O.M.", which are Scripture, Justification, and Sanctification. At first, I thought, "really, we're being taught about justification again? I get it!" But that's the thing, I really don't get it, I need to be taught about forgiveness and grace EVERY DAY.

In other news, I think I've reached about 42% of my support... which means I'm halfway to moving! It also means that I'm still far, and that I still need so many supporters! Please pray that God would provide! Classes start at UAB two weeks from tomorrow, and I want to be there!


  1. I have faith in what you're gonna be doing in Birmingham, that you will get there, and I'm praying for you! Wish you were only a piece of sheet rock away!

  2. i miss that piece of sheet rock!
